For the following services please make an appointment at Croft Medical Centre or Brook Street Surgery depending on where you are registered.
- Asthma & COPD - regular monitoring.
- Diabetes - regular review and management for diabetic patients.
- Well woman checks - routine health check carried out by a female nurse which includes blood pressure, weight, cervical examination, menopause and other women's health problems. Ask at reception for an extended appointment.
- Smoking cessation - advice, support and help in overcoming the need to smoke.
- Weight loss - a structured approach to weight loss, healthier eating and a better lifestyle.
- Family planning/contraception - advise and treatment can be initiated by the nurse including the 'morning after' pill. Patients may need to see a GP.
- Over 75's check - for patients over 75 years old. A free routine health check including blood pressure, urine check, weight, diet, etc. Very important for spotting those little problems that happen as people get older.
- Travel advice and immunisations - immunisation and advice for travellers to the Hajj and elsewhere. Also routine tetanus immunisations.
- General health check - routine health checks are available to all newly registered patients.
- Maternity care - Antenatal clinics are held each Thursday between 13:00 - 15:00 at both Surgeries.
- Minor surgery - Minor procedures are carried out in the surgery, the Clinician will refer you to the clinic.
- Child health and immunisations - Children will receive notification from the Child Health Department when routine immunisations are due. Please contact Reception to book an appointment with the Practice Nurse.
- NHS Health Checks - If you are aged 40 years or over and do not have a long term condition, you are entitled to a free NHS Health Check. Contact Reception to book an appointment with the HealthCare Assistant.